God and Peanut Butter

God spoke to me tonight through a peanut butter sandwich.

Sometimes, when I don't really care for what we are having for dinner (like tonight, when we're having meatloaf) I kind of do my own thing. Actually, this happens a lot. I really should eat what everyone else does, I am sure it is much healthier, but anyhow... one of my favorite second choice meals is Ramen Noodles, a bag of popcorn and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  

Now, when I make a peanut butter sandwich, I don't fool around. I use a LOT of peanut butter. Like maybe an inch tall all across the bread. I really love peanut butter. Lots of times, I just eat it right out of the jar. All I need is a spoon. And if I don't have a spoon, all I really need is a clean finger. And if I don't have a clean finger.... well, nevermind.  So anyway, I am laying down the peanut butter like I am spackling sheetrock or something when all of a sudden I hear God's voice.  

Loud and clear.

"Why don't you love me this much?"

Now its not everyday that God talks to me so clearly, but I handle it pretty well... I am chill. So I ask him, "What?"

"Why don't you love me this much?"

"What are you talking about God, I love you more than peanut butter!"(except I have this feeling He is about to prove me wrong)

"Oh yeah? When was the last time you globbed me onto your bread? When was the last time you went outside and chewed on my Word, loving every bite... swishing it around to extend the flavor? When was the last time..."

"ok, ok God... I get it" I think to myself.. nervous at interrupting Him.  

Why don't I? Its a good question. I mean, of course it is... God asked it.  And, for now anyway, the answer is, I don't know. I guess because I am a knucklehead who likes to goof around more than live real life sometimes. Because sometimes I'd rather spend an hour reading about some stupid hollywood scandal or something than the Bible. Or watch a movie or play a videogame. I really hate it when people take some dumb mundane aspect of their life and relate it to God. And I realize that I have done exactly that. But I had to post this. 

Maybe someday I'll be able to write another part to this story where I have it all figured out or where I can say, "Man I was such a doofus... I mean, get real. Peanut Butter?"
