The Drive Through

First of all, what is that big cylindar thing they are sticking on top of the hospital across from memorial city mall? I can see it on my drive in to work from miles away, and I can see it from the parking lot of the church. Right now it looks hideous and I have this insane thought that its going to end up a giant Pepsi can or something.

Anyhow, I eat at fast food places way too much. I know how to order from the Drive Through. I used to work drive through at Dairy Queen, and I've worked plenty of fast food, so I know how to order. And I know what I want.

This morning I went to Sonic:

me: All i need is a route 44 diet dr pepper
speaker: indistinguishable noise
me: excuse me?
speaker: [garbled noise] tator tots [garbled noise]?
me: all i need is a route 44 diet dr pepper
speaker: would you like tator tots with that?
speaker: anything else with that?
speaker: pull forward please

Holy Cow! how hard does it have to be?? seriously! and WHY o WHY can't we have speakers that WORK? we live in the US right? its 2008 right? I can listen to radio stations from Dallas on my phone, but I can't talk to the chick in Sonic 30 feet away from me.

OK, sorry, i'm done now.


~Daisy~ said…
For lent, you should give up fast food all together. Think of all the money and stress you would save!!!

Of course, then you would need to find some new material...

Hee Hee