What is truth?

The last few days, two names have seemed to pop up in my life over and over. One of them, Roger Clemens, I'm sure you've heard a lot of as well. The other though, is Joel Osteen. For some reason, everytime I turn around (figuratively) I'm running into something about Joel Osteen. And, as unlikely as it seems, there is a theme that connects these two guys together for me. The Truth.

Did you see the press conference with Roger? I saw it live and was glued to it. I don't know why, up until then, I really could've cared less if Roger took steroids or not. I think it was the phone call that hooked me. It was 17 minutes long, and every minute I kept thinking, "ok, he's finally going to admit it" (one of them, one way or another) but it never happened! the guy asked Roger 21 times, "what do you want me to do" and Roger (under advise from his lawyers not to lead the guy into saying anything) never told him what he wanted him to do. Then, during the Q&A part of the conference, Roger was pissed. I couldn't not watch that... and I kept thinking the whole time that I'd probably be that pissed too, if I didn't do anything and was accused of it.

Whats weird about the whole thing is though, I have no real idea if he's telling the truth or not.. I'm not sure why they played that phone call, it did nothing to sway anyone one way or another, really.

Then, there's Joel Osteen. There seems to be a bit of drama surrounding his new book, and some speculation as to whether this guy should even call himself a "pastor".

Then, I found another article where he says that Mormon's are Christians (admitting he doesn't know much about them) and that to avoid temptation, he relies on himself and his family (no mention of God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit or prayer, etc..)

According to this article Osteen avoids talk about sin, the devil or hell, because "because they tended to promote a negative approach to things." No kidding? Isn't it our responsibility to give the whole truth?

Anyone with any kid experience (which is all of us, because we either have kids or have been/are a kid) knows that routine when you're busted:

Parent: what happened here?
Kid#1: He hit me!
Kid#2: He hit me first!

Was kid #1 lying? No, because kid #2 did hit him. Was he telling the whole truth? No, because he did hit kid #2 first, which is why kid#2 hit him. I tell my kids all the time, that not telling the whole truth is the same as lying.

If you're gonna tell people about Jesus, you gotta talk about sin. If you don't you aren't telling the whole truth.

So, who's lying? Who's telling the truth? I dunno, but I don't trust either one of them.
