Shocked? Why?

Read an article today that makes me crazy from Reuters. The Protestant leader of Germany caught driving drunk. THREE times over the legal limit. So, she didn't just have a little too much communion wine.

Many people think that I don't drink because of my religion or because I work at a church or with youth. All of those things are partially true, but the two main reasons why I don't drink are that I (one) had a step-father who was alcoholic who routinely beat my mother, sometimes right in front of me and my brother and sister when we were very young and (two) I have a very addictive personality. I'm worried that if I started drinking, I wouldn't stop. In fact, I know from experience in the short amount of time that I did drink (about 3 months) that I drank to get drunk. I didn't want to fool around with beer or whatever, I went straight for the hard stuff.

Anyhow, thats neither here nor there, really. The thing that got to me about this story was this quote: "I'm shocked that I could make such a terrible mistake," Kaessmann, the Lutheran bishop of Hanover, was quoted telling Bild newspaper. "I'm aware of how dangerous and irresponsible drinking and driving is, and am ready for the legal consequences."

She's shocked she could make that mistake? Really? She is shocked that she got plastered with apparently no backup plan for getting home? You know, those few times I got wasted many years ago, I at least had the foresight to know that I was going to do it and made sure someone else (sober) was going to get me home. And I was young and dumb, and even I was aware of how dangerous and irresponsible drinking and driving is. Anyone old enough to drive should be aware of that, let alone the leader of 25 million church people in a country.
