My Take on the New DC Stuff

My Take On The New DC Stuff

Ok, so after this summer's "Flashpoint" series, DC is going to come out with 52 new #1 issues, renumbering many (if not all) of their flagship titles and introducing some more.
Several of them have been announced, so I wanted to give my take on them, so far.

Justice League

Pretty much the usual suspects for a hard-hitting JLA. Except for Cyborg. I don't know how the heck he got in there. He's never really been anything but pretty lame. Superman's brief's are noticeably not red, which is a great thing. This needed to happen like 20 years ago. Wonder Woman's new costume resembles her "new" costume, without the jacket.  Its going to be written by Geoff Johns, so I have no doubt it will be good. The guy has the golden touch.
Wonder Woman
I hate to admit it, but I've liked J Michael Strazinski's latest Wonder Woman run. I typically hate everything JMS does, but even a broken clock is right twice a day, and this hasn't been bad. Now, I have no idea if they are going to build off of this or go a totally different direction, but I'll give it a shot.

This is going to be written by Geoff Johns, so its hard to doubt it. But Aquaman? C'mon.
The Flash
I was against bringing Barry Allen back. I still am. Johns did a good job of doing it, but I always felt it was unnecessary. Wally West was / is a great Flash and Barry died in a way that was heroic, made sense and was one of the few comic book deaths that lasted. I will give this a shot, as the Flash is one of my favorite characters, but I WANT WALLY WEST BACK.
The Savage Hawkman
Excited about this one. Hawkman is really a kick-butt character that never really gets his props. I think Batman could take him, but I bet Hawkman would jack him up pretty bad if he tried. I hope this series is given a fair shot.
Green ArrowI'm a huge fan of Green Arrow as well, and have to admit, his current series ain't doin' it for me. So I hope this one is better. You can see a "Smallville" influence to his new costume. Thank goodness he still has his awesome diamond mask and not ridiculous sunglasses, though.
Justice League International
One of my favorite comics growing up was this version of the JLI. I'm hesitant to get too excited about this one. I pretty much hate Vixen as a character, and I have no idea who the crusty dude with the two-pronged fork is supposed to be. Also, the chick in the corner looks sort of like Wonder Woman, but different suit? Maybe Donna? That'd be cool. With her in JLI and Cyborg in the JLA, I'm wondering where the other Titans are. My biggest complaint is the lack of the Blue Beetle, but maybe that'll come. Surely, that will come.
Mr. Terrific
Stupid. Just stupid. I love the JSA, but have never been a fan of the RIDICULOUSLY NAMED "Mr. Terrific". If this lasts 12 issues, it'll be a freaking miracle or tragedy.
Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, The New Guardians and Red Lanterns

not really interested.
Tomorrow, I'll try and post my thoughts on the new Batman books coming out. There are several, and there are going to be several changes. Some I'm happy about, some I'm not happy about. At all. A preview:
