New Good Christian Rock?

I used to belong to this subscription service called Interlinc.  For a few hundred bucks a year (!) they would send you a bunch of CDs and sometimes DVDs of new Christian music to try out and expose your youth group kids to.  For many years, it was very cool...  A lot of great music that I may not have ever been exposed to came out of it and it was worth the money.

A couple of years ago, I got a subscription to it, and was disappointed.  There was nothing new and fresh coming out.  Everything sounded the same or was just lame.  There is a lot of good Christian music out there, its just getting harder to find.  I just did a search on iTunes for Christian Rock, and sorted it by "Recent Bestsellers" - this is what I found:

You may notice that "recent" is subjective here as nothing on the list is from 2011.  Am I missing something here?  Is iTunes not the best place to look for good Christian new music?  Possibly.  Where are people buying it then?  Christian bookstores?  I can't remember the last time I bought an (extremely overpriced) CD from a Christian Bookstore.

Of course, maybe the thing here is that the best music coming out in Christian Rock isn't "popular".  And maybe that is a good thing.  I listened to a few samples of the tracks from Day of Fire.  Their first two CDs were pretty shred-worthy, hard and "metal".  The latest was very mediocre from what I heard.  Why does success neuter bands?  I loved Third Day when they were a pretty underground band.  Good southern rock with a great message.  Then, Offerings was a big hit and man, they've pretty much lost me ever since.

So, the question is - who are the good Christian rock bands out there that no one knows about yet?  I don't know, but if I find out, I might just keep it to myself. :P
