A little clarification on a couple of things...

At a youth ministry conference I attended many years ago, the speaker told us that if you answer the same question about an event 3 times, you should change your brochure or send out on email to clarify.  I've talked to several people the last few days about my last post and felt that I should say a couple of things. 

1) No one "woo-ed" me over to the Anglican church.  While I did have several conversations with many different people about the move, they were instigated by me.  If anything, some of the conversations I had slowed down the process.

2) I am completely committed to the youth ministry at St John's Episcopal Church. I will continue to serve to my fullest ability for as long as they will have me.  Building up this group has become somewhat of a challenge for me and I am in no way ready to give up.  I will (and already have) been less visible on Sunday mornings but will do my best not to just fade away.

3) When I speak of the problems I have with the Episcopal church, it is NOT a reflection of many of the local churches that I have ever been a part of, or even of most local parishes in our area.  If you belong or attend an Episcopal church, I am not knocking it.  This is a personal decision on my part and not an endorsement of one denomination over another.  I'm not campaigning for an exodus here.

I appreciate the messages and support that I have received from you all and if anyone has any questions or concerns I would be glad to talk to you about them.
