The Next Chapter...

Just about at year ago, we started going to St. John's Episcopal Church in Pottsboro.  Shortly after starting there, I was asked to (re)start up the youth program there.  It had been just about a year since I'd left St. Luke's and (most of) the pain of that situation had gone away.  I was ready to start again.

It has been an exciting year of growth for me personally, as I've chronicled here many times, and none of it could have been possible without the people who have supported me over the last year.

I've posted before about the possibility of starting seminary and I've been hoping that would become a reality.  It didn't this term, but I'm hoping things will be different by July.

One thing for sure will be different.  We just had our last youth group meeting at St. John's.  I've felt some time that God has been calling me elsewhere, and I've tried to have one foot where I was and one foot where He wanted me, and it just hasn't worked.  So, in May, we are making a clean break and will be doing Youth Ministry full time at Christ Church in Sherman.  We leave St. John's with no hard feelings and I wish them the best.  If you are from there and reading this, I sincerely thank you for the opportunity you gave us this year to serve you.

So, one chapter ends and a new one begins.  We're taking a week off youth group for my birthday, and on May 6th we'll start right back up at Christ Church in Sherman.  I will also be doing some office duties there and helping with their computer/technical stuff (like posting sermons to iTunes and such).  Between this and my part-time job at The Rialto we are just about to a point where we can support ourselves again.

About ten months ago, I asked a small group of friends and family help us for a year by supporting us financially.  I'm hoping that by June, we be at a point that we can fully support ourselves.  I'm also hoping that I will be able to start my seminary education in July.  More about all that later.  

Thank you all again for everything and God Bless!
