Some info for our supporters... and seminary news!

I want to let you know that, thanks to my part-time job at The Rialto and my new job at Christ Church, our family is making just about the same amount a month that we were getting in support.  So, we are at somewhat of a crossroads.  About ten months ago, I asked several people to help support us for one year.  I hope that if you are supporting us, you will continue for the next two months at least.  However, I want to be honest with you that we do finally have other sources of income.


Now, if you have been supporting us, or if you didn't previously because you felt supporting us while I wasn't working to be a little enabling or whatever, I want you to know that all future support that we receive is going straight to my seminary expenses.  July 2, I will begin seminary classes at Nashota House Seminary in Wisconsin.  The cost of this is going to be about $1000 a month, which is the same amount we were trying to raise last year.  We haven't been getting that amount for some time, but we've been getting by. 

I'll be taking the distance learning classes, which are 12 week modules.  11 of those weeks are taken online.  One week requires me to go up to Wisconsin for an intensive one week jam session of learning.  There are eight modules, meaning 8 trips to Wisconsin (and back!)  The whole thing taking two years.  24 months x 1,000 a month (give or take) = 24,000.


Many of the students that attend Nashota raise support just like I do in order to make it.  I'm confident, thanks to what God has shown me in the last year, that we can do the same.  All I need are 10 people who would commit to $100 a month for two years.  I'm not assuming that anyone who is currently helping us out is going to continue.  I'm giving this opportunity for anyone and everyone to get off the hook, with only my absolute gratitude for what you've done for us this year.


If you haven't supported us, I'm asking that you consider.  It doesn't have to be money.  If you have airline miles you can donate, that'd go a LONG WAY considering I have to take 8 round trips to Wisconsin.  My first flight has already been donated.  It can be a one time donation or sporadic.  Every cent will go towards my tuition, books and travel to Nashota.


If you send in support through PayPal, you don't have to do anything, I'll make those changes behind the scenes.


Thanks, and God Bless.
