One Week Until Seminary!

Not promising anything here, but I'm hoping to blog out my seminary experiences for you all y'all (I'm practicing my 'southern' so when I go to Wisconsin they can tell I'm from Texas, yo) to follow along with me.  Its been a lot of work already, and I haven't even gotten started yet.  The registration process has been long and not very streamlined.  I found out today, for example, that I have to take either a GRE or MAT test before being accepted.  From what I've read online, this is going to be very un-fun and most heinous.  One test is broken up into three parts, reading, writing and math.  I'm pretty great at 2 of those things.  I am completely horrible at math.  The other test is analogies.  For example:


A. blink : eyes 

B. chew : mouth 
C. dress : hem 
D. cover : book 
E. grind : nose


That one's pretty easy.  Check this one out:



A. toad : ornithology
B. turtle : microbiology
C. gymnosperms : botany
D. friend : home economics
E. algae : zoology

uh... wut?


*answer way at the bottom... don't cheat!



So, anyway... I have to take one of them.  Maybe I'll do both and hope I get lucky on one of them.  I hate these kind of tests and don't usually do well on them. :/  Not sure why I need to be decent at algebra to be a priest, but whatever.


But, on to the GOOD NEWS!

I booked my flight to Wisconsin and it was very graciously paid for by Fr. Art Moore, who I met very briefly at the Anglican 1000 conference a few months back.  When he heard I was starting seminary, he gave me his card and told me if I didn't lose it, he'd pay for my flight.


When I called him, he was surprised I remembered.  Heh.  Anyhow, THANKS Fr Art!! 

Speaking of the flight, on the way back, I'll have a 3 hour layover at Bush Intercontinental in Houston from 8:20am to 11:15am.  If you want to come buy me lunch, I'll let ya! hehe.. I'll also tell you all the stuff I hopefully will have blogged by then, plus all the stuff I couldn't post!


I'm a little anxious about going up there because, if you know me at all, you know I'm not a big fan of forced interaction and I'm imagining a whole week of small groups and group projects with people I don't know.  Nightmare.


Anyhow, keep watching here or on FaceBook for more updates!  In one week, 2 years of intensity starts!





PS- the answers were B and C.

