Logged in this morning to see what my (online) homework is for the week and noticed the link said that we are in week four. Four? Good grief this is going by fast! The class is only 12 weeks... In two weeks we'll be halfway through and I haven't even thought about my research paper yet. Its enough to give a guy a panic attack.
For those wondering how exactly this class works, well, I'll give it my best shot at explaining what we do:
Each week, we have reading assignments. We have three textbooks, the bible and sometimes there are .pdf files uploaded to read as well. It's a LOT of reading. In the last two weeks, we've read Genesis - Deuteronomy. That's a lot, on top of the other reading, but its just a warm up. It took us four weeks to get here. In the next 8 weeks, we have the REST OF THE OLD TESTAMENT TO GO!
I try to get my reading done on the weekend because on Monday, the teacher posts a question on our school website for us to answer. We have to give a pretty detailed answer ~ about 500 words or so. We also have to comment on our classmates' responses as well. Many times this reply and these responses will require some additional research and study as well. Replying to the others' responses may be the hardest part of the class for me. Sometimes, people say things that I just have no real response to. If you know me, I tend to type things out as if I'm talking to you. I don't write scholarly essays in response to the questions and have a hard time responding to really dry, information heavy posts. Also, you can't respond until someone posts, so its not like I can set aside Tuesday afternoons for responses.
I guess the good news (?) is that at this rate, the class will be over before I know it, and then I'm 1/8th of the way done!