What A Day!

Facebook has this thing where you can look back on posts from a particular day in years past.  Sometimes I have a few, sometimes I have a lot.  Today's day was interesting in that I had a bunch.  Something about June 19th that just brings out the Facebooker in me maybe.  What was really interesting (to me) was what a rollercoaster of a day this has apparently been over the years.

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This is a good one.  Robyn and the kids and I went on our only mission trip in all the years I did youth ministry as a family, and we had a fantastic time (until the last two days, which were marked by a horrible stomach virus, but we don't have to get into that).

How everything changed, just a year later!

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Yep, this is us moving out of Katy/Houston because I lost the job at Holy Spirit for reasons still mysterious and completely unknown.  It was a crappy day.  Screen Shot 2017-06-19 at 9.08.43 AM

But, the next year, we bounce back to fun.  The only rodeo we've been to since we moved here, but it was a really good time.

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Well, back to a crappy day.  I'm sensing a pattern here.  I spent most of my waking hours of Father's Day working because by this point I was working overnights at Wal-Mart because the church we had moved here to do youth ministry in had abandoned us, forcing me into my first "real" job in a long long time.  I was also in school full-time, trying to finish up my bachelors so that I could go to seminary.  But hey! Next year should be back to good stuff!

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Hey, what gives?  Two negative posts in a row?  This was the only sermon I gave at this church, maybe because it was so terrible, haha.  Things weren't that bad here though.  I was out of Wal-Mart and doing youth ministry again part-time.  Just a bad sermon, it won't be my last.

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This one is painful.  Working at the Rialto and trying anything to save it from the nosedive that it was in.  It didn't work, but still - it was a lot of fun working there, and it started my working relationship with Greg that has lasted five years (and coincidentally, may come to an end sometime this week).

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Nothing much happened in 2013, apparently I just watched a hockey game.  No idea which one or who won.  BUT, in 2014, Ben is holding our first cucumbers from the garden we grew in our backyard!  Robyn put a lot of work into that little patch.

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Once again, I skipped a year, but 2016 was a pretty great day.  I was officially announced as the World's Greatest Farter, uh, Father, as you can see from my commemorative t-shirt.  I had also lost a ton of weight and look pretty great, if I say so myself.

So, I guess the question of the morning for me is "what is June 19th 2017 going to bring"?


