From Alleluia To Bombs - Easter 2019

"I am the Resurrection and I am the Life"

These are the words Jesus spoke to Martha after her brother had died, just before he 58379291_2099277816846170_2760219294653480960_nraised him back from the dead and shortly before Jesus himself died and was resurrected.  Today is Easter, a day that we celebrate the miracle of Jesus returning from the dead.  It is a day of hope and renewal.  Arguably the most important holiday in Christian history, if not overall history, depending on your perspective.  And somehow mostly free of over-commercialization thanks to the Easter Bunny just not being that popular.  At least not as popular as Santa.

This morning, I woke up late but somehow Robyn, Benjamin and I all got ready in record time and made it to the sunrise service at a park downtown.  There were about 35-40 people there in the breezy, chilly weather from churches all over Denison and even a couple from Oklahoma City.  We worshipped together briefly, talked to friends and then came home for a nice Easter breakfast.

[caption id="attachment_1152" align="alignnone" width="960"]57490296_10155943822077032_8102302147154018304_n Sunrise Service at Heritage Park[/caption]

Then I got my phone out and read the news, and wish I hadn't.

"Sri Lanka explosions kill more than 200"

[caption id="attachment_1153" align="alignleft" width="404"]IMG_2784 Found in the rubble at St. Anthonys[/caption]

Some group targeted churches and hotels in the morning of Easter in Sri Lanka, killing more than 200 people so far.  At the time I'm writing this, it's unknown who is responsible, except that it was partially carried out by suicide bombers.  Really, it doesn't matter much to me who did it.  I read a stat on CNN that said that 7.4% of Sri Lanka is Christian and 84% (of those 7.4%) are Catholic, which were the targeted churches.  In its simplest form its one group targeting another, most likely over ideological issues.  In the process, innocent people die.  And what agenda is furthered?


Thats it.

Thats the only agenda furthered by this.  Hatred.

For a long time, I've preached a version of Christianity based on two big main ideas that come straight from Jesus himself.  Loving God with all your heart, soul and mind and loving your neighbor as yourself.

And who is your neighbor?  EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING ON THE PLANET.  Its as simple as that.  Everyone.  EVERYONE is your neighbor and God wants us to love them.

Neighbor300Yes, even the Muslim.  Yes, even the MAGA hat wearing Trump Supporter.  Yes, even the LGBTQ+.  Yes, even the Democrat.  Yes, even the refugees.  Yes, even the rich.  Yes, even the poor.  Yes, even that person at work who annoys you so much you want to scream sometimes.

I don't know about you, but the last couple of years it has seemed harder and harder to do.  Facebook for me used to be a great place to share photos of what was going on in my life and seeing what others I didn't get to see as much anymore were up to as well.  More and more now, its just a toxic place.  People who have never met throwing insults at each other because they see things differently.  Heck, even people who have known each other their whole lives doing the same thing because a culture of "sides" seems to be growing more and more prevalent.

I've been off the grid for a while.  I'll be honest, a large part of that is that I've been overwhelmed with negativity.  When I say that I know that its hard to love your neighbor sometimes, I know that because I've struggled with it myself.  I read a quote from someone recently that said that it was maddening to keep up with the ridiculousness of world events these days (particularly in the political venue) but it also felt irresponsible to NOT keep up with it.  I know what he means.  I'm starting to feel like I need to be irresponsible, though.

Irresponsible love.  Maybe that's what it all should boil down to.

Stay tuned.  In the meantime, if you pray for the victims in Sri Lanka, pray for the perpetrators as well.  Pray that love wins in the end.

